Tomorrow Ms.Myla will send you the quotation for the Bead Separator 17" RED and Yellow. Mam,you dont have to worry about the sizes for the red because this is the same mould that we used last 2010 when we deliver to your company in Thailand.But the Yellow plain 17",we need to make the new mould for this so I have quote it with mould fabrication. Mam,don't worry about this because after I get the PO from JFE-shoji,we can have options that I go there to get the sample or you can send to us here in the Philippines the sample of the Yellow.For us to finish this,we just need for you to make a PO then I am the one liable for the sample of Yellow.Or I will borrow from the yokohama Philippines.I just hope when we send the quote tomorrow you can already make the PO.