Hello Darrell:
It was good to see you again at the W Market with Eddie and Who's Pizza. We enjoyed meeting Ejeh [I hope I'm spelling her name correctly....probably not....sorry about that.] She is lovely!
As promised, here are some photos of some of the unusual instruments I play. This is only a small sampling. I've made over fifty Harmonic Pipes. The last photo is from last week at the Sing Sing Theatre. Two of the smaller pipes are in this photo, but some of the most fantastic shapes [and the largest ones] are not shown. Not surprisingly, the very large ones are a pain in the butt to move around. I build them and then don't really enjoy carrying them around. LOL The largest ones need a truck bed....they wouldn't even fit in a taxi!
I don't know if you have the time to come by, but the Sing Sing Theatre is on Sukhumvit Soi 45, just twenty feet inside the soi off Sukhumvit Road. The closest BTS is Phrom Phong. It's about a five minute walk from there and only three stations from Phra Khanong. My show lasts from 8:30 to 10:30. Last week I did two longer sets. I may do three shorter ones this week. I'll be playing at least three or four of the Harmonic Pipes. Each one has been specifically tuned to one of the "Sacred Harmonic Frequencies" as first delineated by Pythagoras in the 6th c. B.C.E. I'm writing a book about all of this. If you are interested, I could send you about a dozen synthesized pages from the book to explain it all to you.
The Sing Sing is also doing a big promo shoot with me on Friday if the timing is not right for you tomorrow. Also, it's not that big a deal if you miss it because I play there every Wednesday. I hope you can make it. Take care, Dr. Mark