Maple syrups with selected degree Brix (◦Bx) (15, 30, 60) were investigated as reaction systems for
levansucrase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The enzymatic conversion of sucrose present in the maple
syrup and the production of the transfructosylation products were assessed over a time course of 48 h.
At 30 ◦C, the use of maple syrup 30◦Bx led to the highest levansucrase activity (427.53mol/mg protein/
min), while maple syrup 66◦Bx led to the highest converted sucrose concentration (1.53 M). In
maple syrup 30◦Bx, oligolevans (10 80%). In maple
syrup 66◦Bx, the most abundant products were oligolevans at 30 ◦C and levans (DP≥30) at 8 ◦C. The
acceptor specificity study revealed the ability of B. amyloliquefaciens levansucrase to synthesize a variety
of hetero-fructooligosaccharides (FOSs) in maple syrups 15◦Bx and 30◦Bx enriched with various disaccharides,
with lactose being the preferred fructosyl acceptor. The current study is the first to investigate
maple-syrup-based reaction systems for the synthesis of FOSs/oligolevans/levans.