-International logistic company’s services restrict the local company activities (Food and drinks are bought not at
local level). Local shops must involve also in purchasing of cruise ships. There is a possible estrangement danger of
locals at their hometowns.
-Local tours are mostly organized by cruise companies or their limited local partners. This has negative effect on
local service providers and economies.
-Relationship between locals and tourists are very limited. Socio-culturally, this has negative effect on both sides.
Locals are seen as service providers or sometimes boring factor for tourists. This will have a certain effect that
interest of tourists weighs more than the interest of locals. Covered tension can be raised. This must be changed with
education of both sides.
Negative effects are still there but especially in North, Middle and West Europe things are changing slowly with
better political and economic infrastructures. But new concepts must be implemented in less developed cruise
destinations. Especially positive relationship between Island states and ecological tourism must be encouraged