Surat Thani nurse scraps holiday to rescue German cyclist SURAT THAN I A 39-year-old nurse on holiday has received an avalanche of praise from 1 netizens for saving the life of a middle-aged German cyclist who 2 collapsed an apparent heart problem on a road in Muang district on Saturday. Srikanya Chuerob, 39, a nurse at Surat Thani Hospital who saved Gunter Retsch's life, said she was travelling in a car with her family on the way to start their holiday in Ban Na San district when they 3Came arrosthe German man and his friend. The friend was holding Mr Retsch with one hand and frantically waving with the other to attract 4 she stopped her car and rushed over to the two men. Mr Retsch. 49, was having a 59gnvulsionetter which he collapsed Ms Srikanya immediately started CPR 6 le others alerted an ambulance to take Mr Retsch to Surat Thani Hospital. Ms Srikanya said she was pleased that she was able to help someone. She and her family 7sodpeed their plans for a New Year holiday and went to the hospital with the ailing German man. Mr Retsch, whose 8 on is gradually improving. said he was cycling with his German compatriot from Surat Thanis Koh Phangan district on the way to Krabi, where they planned to spend 12 days with other cyclists before returning to Koh Phanaan. He thanked Ms srikanya for saving his life. he g He said her kindness and that of other Thais and would never forget them, and drink The doctor said the patient's condition was 10 improving and he could eat But he would remain in the hospital for a more days for a thorough check-up.