A marine engine pollution abatement system was constructed and tested on a 1.5 MW auxiliary marine
engine. The integrated system, designed to abate all of the currently legislated emissions from marine
engines, consisted of a monolithic Pt/Al2O3 oxidation catalyst and a seawater scrubber, both of suitable
dimensions for the engine size. The test results obtained showed the general validity of the approach
adopted, as significant abatement of emissions was achieved. However, under the conditions used, the
system showed some limitations with regard to the sulphur content of the fuel. On the basis of the results
obtained, the system can be used with fuel sulphur content of up to 0.4%, while problems were
encountered when a fuel with a sulphur content of 2.0% was used. Whereas the catalytic section operated
satisfactorily, fine tuning of the scrubber operating conditions is necessary to improve abatement of NOx
and increase the range of fuel sulphur which can be used with the system.