Selecting sires and dams to produce the next generation of
A.I. sires accounts for over 3/4 of the potential genetic progress
(43 percent plus 33 percent). Since there are millions of cows
and hundreds of sires to select from, this area should receive
the most attention when selecting. By selecting the top genetic
potential dams and sires, you can greatly increase genetic
progress. If you plan to use an A.I. program, it is important
for you to know what type of sire program is being used by
the A.I. organization to be certain that the organization is
maximizing this 76 percent in terms of your goals.
An A.I. organization should base its sire program on
the traits that will increase income to the producer. All A.I.
organizations should assess their selection goals in relation to
the traits that are important to the majority of their members,
rather than those traits that are easiest to sell or that can be
merchandized at high prices. Once these goals are objectively
evaluated, a sound genetic program can emerge. If the A.I.
organization you are using has a sound genetic program, 76
percent of the genetic progress you can make is being taken care
of for you. You then only need to worry about the remaining
24 percent, 18 percent of which is accomplished by choosing a
group of sires available from the A.I. organization that fits your
selection goals. The remaining 6 percent involves the selection
of cows to produce replacements. The genetic progress from
the selection of cows to produce replacement is low because
a producer has a limited number of cows to use to produce
heifers, thus greatly limiting genetic progress.