My Darling, Words cannot express how grateful I am right now for this help you just rendered to me and my Daughter Eve. I am certain we are going to have a perfect Life together.
You are certainly a mother and I bless the day I met you. Fate certainly had a plan and it's always great when things like this happens in the world. You have given me a renewed vigor of hope and my love for you just increased a thousand fold.
I have received news from the doctor that the transaction has been completed and i have gotten Eve out of the hospital. I just thought that i should appreciate you for this and express my profound gratitude. I will never forget this act of kindness you just exhibited. You are God sent and I will love you forever.
Thanks for everything. I will be going to the airport in a few hours because thanks to you we have settled everything here.
I just can't wait to see you.
Thanks once again.
With Exceeding Love.