The library service has struggled for several
years to maintain its place on the induction programmes
for new staff. Previously, the service had
a 45-minute slot on the Acute Trust induction but
this was cut when the programme was reduced
from 3 to 2 days in October 2009. It was clear
from the focus groups that most staff who had registered
with the library service had done so at
induction, and other marketing efforts were not
successful in encouraging registration. Biochemistry
staff at the Alexandra Hospital felt that in the
absence of a slot on the main organizational induction,
new staff in their department should be given
a ‘Departmental’ induction tailored to their particular
needs and delivered by library staff. One of the
Educational Leads encouraged new joiners to register,
but did not know if they followed-up on this.
New staff had the library pointed out to them by a
colleague during a walk-round of the hospital, but
this was accepted to be insufficient as an introduction
to the service. Occupational Therapy staff also
felt that new staff would benefit from a tailored
induction session in the library or at departmental