Dear Engineer
My first email regarding for the flood and electric wire was on 24/5/16. The follow week your team came and install the plastic tube by the wall but has not complete. On June 2nd I sent you a follow up to have your team to finish the work.
Yesterday your team install 2 plugs but the transformer and the light were not done, my team need to know when you will be finished the project so we can 100% fully safety in the kitchen please.
- The transformer need to transfer to the other wall (which was inform by your team) on the photo of the pink sign
- Light for the area for wash need to install (your team inform us as well that they will install one)
Please inform your team that if they cut the power of the old plus they must unplug my equipment and then plug to the new power, yesterday your team cut off power from the old plug and let my fridge out of the power all night.
Thank you
Yi Fan