Situation: Nine of Wands
When your relationship becomes more self-defined, the roles between you and the one you desire can be transformed and the situation organized in a more egalitarian way.
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
The Nine of Wands in this position suggests that there may need to be some kind of reorganization in your forthcoming relationship. The current stressful state of communication may be damaging the goodwill built up between you. Your shared perception is that everybody seems to be under duress. Do you notice those conversations where you and your possible relationship companion argue over who carries more responsibility and who suffers more? Just because you think he or she is being grouchy and non-compassionate is no reason for you to follow suit.
It might be wise for the leader in this scenario to rest, regenerate and take some time off. It's also a good time for the follower to take care of priorities that affect both parties. Instead of one person being the hero (or the bad guy), why not share the responsibilities and the rewards?