Take the "there's no such thing as Private Language" assertion. Well groups of people use words all the time which other groups do not understand - non-English-speaking French people and non-French-speaking English people, for example. But Wittgenstein obviously does not mean this. Someone growing up on a desert island with no human contact might develop his own vocabulary for some reason. Presumably his word for Coconut is as meaningful as any other word describing such an object. So what does Wittgenstein mean ? He apparently also said "If lions could talk, we wouldn't understand them." Well, why not ? If a lion said he was hungry, we would know what he meant. Perhaps a lion has need to describe things which we have no need to ? Apparently it's a myth that Eskimos have more words to describe types of snow than English speakers have. But even if it were true, can there be any doubt that Eskimos could explain what the differences of these snow types were to an English speaker ?