It was found that the level of difficulty of other items was medium, and item discrimination index was above 0.30. As removing the items whose discrimination index was between 0.20 and 0.30 does not affect the reliability coefficient values, they were also decided to be included in the test. Consequently, the test was reduced to 32 items with the removal of 3 items in total. Item analysis showed that average difficulty value of the test was 0.55. According to Çepni et al. (2008), average difficulty value of the test should be around 0.50. When item discrimination index was checked, average discrimination value of the test was identified as 0.34. If the average discrimination index of a test is above 0.30, it is a feature which is looked for in a test (Turgut, 1995). An assessment tool’s reliability coefficient’s being above 0.70 is generally considered to be enough for the reliability of the test results (Büyüköztürk et al. 2013). In this respect, as the reliability coefficient of the test has been found to be 0.80 after the test analysis, it is proved to be consistent and reliable.