Buying a house without any down payment will have a positive impact in the construction sector, since housing construction is expected to grow 5% this year in accordance with the growth rate of the national economy, Peruvian Chamber of Construction (Capeco) projected.
According to Ricardo Arbulu, President of Capeco’s Construction Works General Committee, this incentive is coupled with the last conditions applied to the Good Payer Bonus (Bono del Buen Pagador, BBP).
“These changes will have a favorable impact in monthly financial costs assumed by families when buying a house with Mivivienda Fund resources, which will increase the demand,” he told El Peruano.
These incentives will contribute to reach the set goal of building 600,000 houses under this government's regime, which implies 120,000 units per year.
He went on to add that most housing construction takes place in coastal cities. “This progress is slower in the highlands.”
Nevertheless, Arbulu explained it is necessary to move forward with the land zoning process in order to get better results.