Nowadays in Phuket confront with the traffic jam problem, it spends long time for the journey. This reason makes lose time to choose breakfast. Breakfast is very important to begin work in each day, because it will reinforce the body and brain, which is a source of energy. From this problem affects to food that convenience and quickly after purchase for eating, it has the opportunity to attract consumer. "Thai BBQ pork is one of the favorite food in Thailand, and easy to buy such as market or roadside. Thai BBQ pork very easy to eat and it tastes very delicious. Everyone can eat it. The main ingredient is marinated pork served with sticky rice. So Thai BBQ pork has protein and carbohydrate for energy of body want. So my group has an idea to make Thai BBQ pork of business, it has wholesale and retail. This business can make an income to unemployment, it is one choice for the people that have low income.