Axenic shoots culture and embryogenesis of H. selago
was obtained on 1/2 MS basal salts medium. Full strength of
MS organic components without a phytohormone was
necessary for the initiation and good grow of shoots.
We have found that modification of MS medium containing
full and half-strength of myo-inositol, phytohormones, but
without thiamine and nicotinic acid used by Atmane at al. [29]
to obtain nodular callus on shoot apices of Lycopodiella
inundata was unsuitable for H. selago shoot culture.
After 3 months of culture, callus developed in the apical
meristem of some shoots. After transferring the shoots to the
fresh MS2 medium callus grew quickly and somatic
embryos separated from it after 4 weeks.
Contrary to the results reported for L. inundata [29] after
3 months of culture we observed the first signs of
callogenesis in the apical part of shoots only. Atmane at
al. [29] observed induction of callogenesis from the 13th
week of culture on the apical meristem and also on the
axillary meristems situated at the basis of the 4–5 leaf cycles
surrounding the apical meristem.