Figures 2 and 3 show the system state at a given time (current time). In the upper area of the figures the relative duality gap evolution is presented. The prices of time slots are the solution of the dual problem and the duality gap is a measure of the difference between the primal and dual objective function, so it quantifies the quality of the solution [8]. The relative duality gap is calculated as the duality gap divided by the dual solution. A small relative duality gap means that the prices are representative of the system state, thus, a good solution is achieved. The lower part of the figures present charts of resources. These charts show the tasks that each resource has performed until the current time (lower area of the resource charts) and the time slot prices (upper area of the resource chart). The time slots prices previous to current time are the prices when agents were doing firm agreements for those time slots. The prices later than current time are the estimated prices in the current round of the auction