Thailand, as one of the world’s food production
hubs, has delivered high quantity and quality of plant
food to global network for decades. Pesticide has been
realized as essential element in agricultural production
to ensure food security. Increasing of pesticide used in
Thailand has been observed recently. From year 2001
to 2010, twofold of pesticide active ingredients
importation has been increased, from 37,039 tons in
2001 to 68,964 tons in 2010 [1]. Pesticide packaging
is supposed to have an important role in minimizing
risk of harmful materials leakage and exposure to
delivering to all targets in supply chain by operators.
According to arising amount of pesticide used,
numbers of pesticide packaging waste have been
emerged and, therefore, became outstanding because
of hazard property of material contained inside. For
economical reason, used pesticide packaging was
mostly sold to reuse/recycling business by Thai
farmers. Some of them, which was priceless, was
burnt in an open area [2]. From environmental point
of view, selling of the used pesticide packaging has
made more benefit from waste, and reduced
consuming of world’s natural resources. However, on
the environmental and human health aspects, this is a
way of vast dispersing of pesticide to non-target area,
and unexpected adverse impacts may occur eventually.
Moreover, open burning of non-value pesticide
packaging waste has been reported on toxic
substances released into the environment such as