Hello Elain,
This is Joy Sirikanchana from UC Davis. I met you during the Woodland
treatment plant tour a month ago and we exchanged the name cards. I would like to ask you if I could collect wastewater effluent from your plant. My research group, supervised by Prof. Jerry McCarty at UC Davis (he is being CC'ed here), is currently collecting wastewater effluent from many treatment plants around the Davis area. We are studying a relationship between 2 types of nonharmful bacteria, both in the order Bacteroidales, that are present in treated wastewater.
We would like to collect the 2L volume of your effluent samples
for 4-5 times on different days over a period of 1-2 months. The report
from our study will not reveal names of wastewater plants. The bacteria we study are not pathogenic to human, plants, or animals. Also, we will report the results as ratio of 2 bacteria types, and not the concentrations.
Could you please recommend me to someone who can authorize the effluent sampling from the Woodland plant? Our project is running short in time, so we would like to start the collection as soon as we can. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,