the patients health status. In United States, the use of EHR technology
is already widely adopted. It is estimated that 55% of medical
professionals are using EHR platforms [3].
With the advent of mobile communications using smart mobile
devices that support 3G and 4G mobile networks for data transport,
mobile computing has been the main attraction of research
and business communities. It offers numerous opportunities to
create efficient mobile health (m-Health) solutions. M-Health is
the new edge on healthcare innovation. It proposes to deliver
healthcare anytime and anywhere, surpassing geographical, temporal,
and even organizational barriers [4,5]. M-Health systems
and its corresponding mobility functionalities have a strong impact
on typical healthcare monitoring and alerting systems, clinical and
administrative data collection, record maintenance, healthcare
delivery programs, medical information awareness, detection and
prevention systems, drug-counterfeiting, and theft [6]. Typical
m-Health services architectures (presented in Fig. 1) use the
Internet and Web services to provide an authentic pervasive interaction
among doctors and patients. A physician or a patient can
easily access the same medical record anytime and anywhere
through his/her personal computer, tablet, or smartphone. The
patient can contact the physician in case of an emergency, or even,