was observed with regard to non-transferable annual quotas (67%).
The results of the logistic regression model reflect that fishermen's
attitudes did not depend significantly on the demographic factor
considered (Table 5). Furthermore, we can observe that the attitude
depends fundamentally on vessel size and characteristics (Table 5),
as well as greater support for a system of individual effort on the
part of smaller vessels with a lower GRT (artisanal, gillnets, surface
longline, Grand Sole longline). On the contrary and as expected,
there is greater support for ITQs on the part of larger vessels, such
as those which trawl in Grand Sole waters.
was observed with regard to non-transferable annual quotas (67%).The results of the logistic regression model reflect that fishermen'sattitudes did not depend significantly on the demographic factorconsidered (Table 5). Furthermore, we can observe that the attitudedepends fundamentally on vessel size and characteristics (Table 5),as well as greater support for a system of individual effort on thepart of smaller vessels with a lower GRT (artisanal, gillnets, surfacelongline, Grand Sole longline). On the contrary and as expected,there is greater support for ITQs on the part of larger vessels, suchas those which trawl in Grand Sole waters.
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