3.2 Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
A first-time adopter is required to apply the derecognition rules in IAS 39 Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement prospectively from
1 January 2004 unless it chooses to apply the derecognition rules of IAS 39 retrospectively from a date of its choosing (see below). Therefore, if a
first-time adopter derecognised non-derivative financial assets or non-derivative financial liabilities under its previous GAAP in a securitisation,
transfer or similar derecognition transaction that occurred before 1 January 2004, it does not recognise those financial assets and liabilities at the
date of transition (even if they would not have qualified for derecognition under IAS 39) unless they qualify for recognition as a result of a later
transaction or event.
Notwithstanding the requirement to apply IAS 39’s rules on derecognition prospectively from 1 January 2004, an entity may opt to apply them
retrospectively from a date of its own choosing, provided that the information needed to apply IAS 39 to financial assets and financial liabilities
derecognised as a result of past transactions was obtained at the time of the initial accounting for those transactions.