Other Transportation & Services
IFL is an organisation of professional freight brokers and service providers in its own right and through its various networks and associations IFL can access, globally, almost any type of transportation or services. This ability, together with the fact that IFL is independently owned and operated, allows it to source the best deals and a full range of options for its clients.
Quotations and advice are a free-of-charge speciality at IFL.
Specialist or heavy lift equipment, services and transportation is also a world wide option available from IFL.
IFL has access to rail services, with special rates, in most countries of the world.
Road transportation services, including specialist road transport facilities are available, through IFL, in most countries in the world and particularly throughout Australasia.
Customs Bond Store (i.e. Customs Examining Place) and other storage facilities can readily be provided.
Logistics management and distribution control/services are available from IFL.
On request, IFL will readily provide detailed cost analysis and pricing services.
IFL will act as your freight consultants - as well as advising on transportation matters IFL will also independently and comprehensively review, report and recommend improvements/refinements in your freight handling, transportation, logistics and customs procedures, services and costs.
IFL will provide you with "worry free" transportation solutions.