Topic : 266GA fish eye problem at BK.PVC
I informed you on the highlight of allocation PVC product to customer. Now our big consumer name "BK.PVC" (40% of share market in 266GA)
facing the problem of fluctuation on fish eye (unmelt particle) especially in very soft calendering and cable application. The potential cause of this
case should be linked to particle distribution (span) of this grade.
By this problem, concerned department must increase more work as below details;-
1) PVC production has to put more energy to control the particle size of this grade.
2) QCD =>Once the particle size distribution is abnormal wide, QCD has to put special code "2B" to separate out from normal product and to avoid this product sends to BK.PVC.
3) LOG => 2B can't send to silo because silo is the main product that consumed by this customer. Sometime we faced 2B for long time, product shortage may be occurred.
4) Allocation team => We have to take more time to arrange the product 2B to another customer.
The proposal of allocation team is to send the various quality of particle size distribution to validate at customer's factory. K.Benjawan trying to prove this assumption.
If the particle size distribution is not concerned to BK.PVC. We will stop putting "2B" in this grade and above more work will be run out.
For your information about the one highlight of PVC allocation in 266GA for the time being.