Washington State University Organic Farm offers an intensive, multi-week course in organic gardening, covering everything from composting to garden planning as well as organic pest control and fertilization. This course is appropriate for community members interested in improving their home gardening skills or existing market gardeners wishing to expand their operation.
“Organic Gardening Intensive” begins Feb. 12th and runs through May 7th, 2014. The program will include Wednesday classrom sessions that run from 1p to 3pm for the first few weeks and then as the weather allows we will meet at the Organic Farm through the remainder of spring semester. Altogether, participants will receive 30 hours of instruction from WSU faculty, researchers and area farmers. The classes will be held in classrooms, greenhouses on the Pullman campus, and at the WSU Organic Farm.
Costs of the training vary. Participants willing to give 20 hours of volunteer service at the WSU Organic Farm following the training will pay $150. All other participants will pay $250.