A goodwill impairment test was carried out at the end of 2014. The impairment test
is based on a calculation of value in use. The value in use has been assessed based on
discounted cash flows according to forecasts for the next five years and with an annual
growth rate of 2 percent (2) in subsequent years. A discount rate of 16 percent (16) before
tax was used. The cash flows are based on H&M’s business plan. The growth rate of
2 percent (2) is based on H&M’s assessment of the opportunities and risks associated
with the business. The discount rate is based on an average weighted capital cost that
is estimated to be on a par with the external requirements that the market imposes for
similar companies. No impairment was identified and H&M is of the opinion that reasonable
possible changes in the variables above would not have such a significant impact
that the recovery amount would be reduced to a lower amount than the carrying amount.