1. In retrospect, even he had to admit some of these quotes were harsh, though he rarely admitted they were wrong.
2. The six famous bridges date back as early as 1871, and were covered to preserve their wooden timbers from Iowa's harsh winters.
3. They did manage to survive, though, but it was harsh.
4. Too bad the price tag is even more painful than the harsh seat cushion.
5. Eventually, the female crabs release their larvae into the harsh waves.
6. Politicians continue to wrestle over health care reform and attempt to pull the country out of a harsh recession.
7. His judgments of himself, and of humanity generally, are often harsh.
8. While harsh, I thought the review was pretty reasonable.
9. Strange as hope's green blossom touched with time's harsh rust.
10. He acknowledges that his defiance probably contributed to the relatively harsh treatment he endured in prison.
11. Its governing philosophy was as harsh as its terrain.
12. Despite harsh, semi-arid conditions, native wildlife has adapted to the environmental constraints present in the region.
13. Overly clipped or clinical expressions always come across as harsh and demanding.
14. Students often find that they need continuity and comfort in what can be a harsh college world.
15. It may be a somewhat harsh comment on academic publishing, but no more so than on publishing as a whole.
16. Space is a harsh environment that affects the body in many ways.
17. Such wines have this harsh character because red wine is maintained in a relatively.
18. That's due in many cases to the sheer difficulty of reaching that ice and operating in harsh alpine environments.
19. The problem is that current electrolyzer technology takes a lot of energy in a harsh, alkaline environment.
20. They had survived for so long, under harsh environmental conditions, which included long frigid periods.
21. Few mortals could stick to that harsh a regimen, especially for years on end.
22. They should have harsh punishments and fines if they do this harmful things to animals.
23. Being condemned to a lifetime of harsh antipsychotic drugs seems a far cry from a runny nose and fever.
24. We should rather focus on making fertilizer use less harsh on the environment.
25. Yes it seems harsh, but sometimes harsh methods are necessary to get results.
26. Plunk a tree frog down in a harsh habitat it is not well adapted for, and it will fail to thrive-or even survive.
27. But, it is not acceptable in an intelligent discussion to use harsh language regarding the sincerely-held views of others.
28. Winter storms were actually predicted to be more harsh, not milder.
29. While the desert environment is harsh, the low humidity is beneficial to the long-term operation of solar plants.
30. Her clarity could make her harsh with her family, especially her two brothers.
31. We took hits of the harsh dope, cooling our burning throats with sips of beer.
32. In the gymnasium where reporters watched the event, the volume was cranked up on the speakers, and her outburst sounded harsh.
33. It extols the virtues of enduring harsh conditions with good grace.
34. If life is harsh, the theory goes, maybe they need to get their babies into the world as quickly as possible.
35. But the harsh handling of his case may not be a one-off.
36. Many firms share this harsh view of the highly paid advisers who walk in and tell them to re-invent their businesses.
37. The previous prime minister, who was also installed after a military coup, had proved to be too harsh even for army tastes.
38. Electric arcs are a harsh environment to operate in, and early plasma torches were not noted for reliability.
39. At first harsh interrogation may well yield information, both valuable and valueless.
40. Symmetry, too, indicates a mate's quality because in harsh environments robust genes are needed to ensure even bodily development.
41. The base stations are solar powered and built to withstand low temperatures and harsh weather conditions.
42. But on the hardest issues he is bumping up against some harsh realities.
43. Swift and certain penalties deter more than harsh ones.
44. Robustas, hardy but a bit harsh, usually end up in soluble form.
45. Tundra plants have developed adaptations that help them thrive in this harsh climate.
46. Emperor penguins spend the long winter on the open ice-and even breed during this harsh season.
47. Where there was flooding there is drought, where winter weather was abnormally mild, it turns abnormally harsh.
48. These humps give camels their legendary ability to endure long periods of travel without water, even in harsh desert conditions.
49. If you see a picture but the light is too harsh, wait an hour to see if conditions improve.
50. During the winter they generally keep to forests, preferring coniferous stands that provide shelter from the harsh elements.
51. Workers are sometimes choiceless and must eke out livings in harsh environmental conditions.
52. Scorpions typically eat insects, but their diet can be extremely variable-another key to their survival in so many harsh locales.
53. It's too harsh to put yourself through over and over again.
54. Think about including the sun in your photograph-it's one sure way to say hot and harsh.
55. They are tinkering with the texture of the metals and coatings to see what works best in certain harsh environments.
56. The device is portable and designed for use by nonscientists at security checkpoints and under harsh conditions.
57. It will give them new mobility and flexibility on the lunar surface while still protecting them from its harsh environment.
58. Cheaper metals simply can't withstand the harsh acidic environment of the fuel cell.
59. They needed a battery that could work for decades in the harsh environment of space.
60. The harsh reality is that coal represents a short-term solution.
61. These devices need a slightly different specification from domestic ones, adapted to cope with a harsh outdoor environment.
62. For example, various bugs have been shown to survive for months or even years in the harsh conditions of space.
63. Sure you could use a tablet to read on instead, but that backlighting is harsh.
64. But with film or pixels, a flashgun is a harsh and ugly thing.
65. Businesses are now dealing with buyers who are armed with both information and harsh expectations.
66. We get a lot of good data out of them it sounds harsh but knowledge is knowledge.
67. The weather-beaten concrete exteriors of the city's buildings speak of long, harsh winters.
68. It may be a harsh conclusion, but you may as well never leave the house and never let your family out of the house as well.
69. It's even been developed as special glue for holding satellite components together in the harsh conditions of space.
70. Every move the company makes comes under harsh scrutiny.
71. The harsh news is that getting stuck is a certainty in the new economy.
72. She didn't protect me from the harsh realities of childbirth either.
73. He would be harsh on cynics and easy optimists alike.
74. He feels only the postponement or refusal, which he considers harsh.
75. One is that college is a messy and complicated market that would benefit from the harsh light of transparency.
76. The truth alone, when unfolded in all its starkness, is harsh.
77. Whenever he was helpful and the information he gave proved true, his harsh conditions would ease.
78. He may even feel betrayed by his children, who told him harsh truths about his mismanagement of the business.
79. If the purpose of the harsh sentence was to intimidate others, it has not worked well.
80. The calm center of harsh controversy, he was much beloved.
81. The first drug targeting telomeres, now sold as a nutritional supplement, will soon face the harsh light of peer review.
82. The lunar surface also gets harsh treatment from meteorite impacts, ultraviolet rays, and other sources.
83. They aren't thinking about the harsh logic at the core of this technology.
84. Only a precious few would make it through this harsh selection process.
85. The harsh reality is that nobody else will care about your problems and personal issues.
86. Though, the quality of comments here might be as harsh.
87. The rest of the criteria mentioned is pretty harsh and up to the individual to judge.
88. The harsh critical work of normal science is now being highly focused on this area, and interesting things are coming to light.
89. The picture's spirit strikes me as a little harsh for maximum enjoyment.
90. Moreover, the entire sentencing phase of the trial was based on the harsh realities of prison life.
91. And his watered-down apology incited a harsh response.