Dear Puie
I'm so sorry to tell you that Daniel suddenly got a nervous breakdown 30 minutes ago. I visit him this morning. Then he sleep like an angel. I was so happy today and yesterday evening when I visit Daniel. For the first time in a long time I want to wear a little bit sexy clothes. I want to make Daniel happy. I think you know that he have my old laptop so he could write to you. Today I was so happy too. I go so early to work. I feel so happy in Daniel's room. Then I change in Daniel's room and whisper also. Everything was so good. I was so happy. Then I go to Daniel's room to wake him up to breakfast. Then Daniel look so sad. He try to talk to me, but he couldn't. Then he start to cry so much. And his body was shaking so much. The Doctor gave him a little bit strong relaxing and sleeping drugs. He fall in deep sleep after few seconds.
I'm so happy that I write down your email address. Because Daniel's email account have password.
Dear Puie, I wonder if I could done something wrong. Maybe Daniel didn't sleep when I change in his room. I'm so sorry Dear Puie, I was a little bit to sexy in my way. Yes, maybe naughty too. Maybe I do so wrong. But I go to Daniel's room to make him happy, because he make me so happy. But now I feel so bad.
Please write to me. I'm so nervous if Daniel's brother visit Daniel today. He call this morning. I ask him to call after breakfast. I told him everything so good. Daniel's brother are not so happy as Daniel. He's so so sad.
Sorry, dear Puie I always write to long. If Daniel are not used to drugs, he will sleep 8-10 hours, and maybe more.
Please help me dear Puie, and find out what could happen. Maybe you write to him? Maybe Daniel tell you something?
Please write as soon as you can.
Yours sincerely
Monica Anette Andersson