The results of this study showed that Ca-P was the predominant form of P in calcareous soil while, Fe-P and Al-P were predominate in acidic soils. Furthermore, the application of OF significantly increased RS-P and Olsen-P fractions in calcareous soil and RS-P fraction in acidic soil. DAP is suitable for increasing the Olsen-P content in calcareous soil in combination with the organic fertilizers. In general, P fractions are considerably influenced by PF and OF on Fe-P, RS-P, Ca-P and Olsen-P in calcareous soil and Fe-P and RS-P in acidic soil. Furthermore, Organic matter of MSWC and CDM can supply phosphorous to plants either by blocking absorption sites and or by releasing soluble P with time and they can be useful for calcareous and acidic soils. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that OFs especially CDM alters soil physiochemical properties in a way that elevates the soil solution P level; making it a more efficient source of plant-available P. Finally, it should be noted that application of PF and OF should be planned very carefully in rice production to minimize P pollution and this requires further research.