like you....
Hm and i hm i am no bargirl too
Never thought that you are one and never thought that you think you want money.
When someone start to talk about money i got itch from it.
I got scammed for 27k € 10 years ago so i will never ever giving money away
German Lady (Bi***).
I got in the last 12 months 8 girls and same as before always took the wrong one.
So i start to let the europian girls behind me and look for a great woman in Thailand.
You will ask now why, because i listen alot of storys from man that got married a Thai woman and are very happy with them.
So i thought "Thorsten why you dont try your luck (the one i never got right now) and look for a Thai girl."
Thats why i am here.
And i think abou to delete my pictures i got flooded with chats and interests they all like my view and i hate it that people always look to my beauty. beauty begins inside if you get it outside too it is a bonus feature
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