Dear John,
I am the one who sent this email to you. Sorry to confuse you. Please see again my inquiries as below.
1. GMR015 : Please see attached wax image and confirm us back whether it is low enough on the diamond elements. If not, please advise how we can modify the model of this designs. Because we don’t have mast silver mold, we just have only rubber mold. And it’s hard to modify from there. By the way, You just sent us the document via Google but it’s required authorized loging and pass word. Please give me that. Or it would be great if you can send those in regular J-PEG or PDF. I hope on those files has contained all the information you need for this ring especially the diamonds larger size that you need!!
2. GVR023 : Noted
3. VE034 : 1 inch is good length of this earring. Please confirm your approval.
4. Please help advise the wax on the attached, if you need to set slightly lower estimate size. Could you confirm to set slightly lower of GMR015 is millimeter ? This is same question as above no. 1
5. Please see attached proforma invoice total 4 designs. Kindly advise when you can send us deposit 30% or $.....
6. Please note that the bangle style# VHN01 we could not really find the rubber mold as you claimed tha you did send to us previously. Please kindly advise if you can send us the new rubber mold immediately. Sorry for inconvenience cause you.
Remark : we try to our best to at least to show you the items from casting and filing. Then you can see those during your trip in Bangkok. Because we cannot give finished pieces before May 17th. By the way, please confirm what date that you are visiting us at our factory in May. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you ASAP.
the diamonds will also be 2-3 cm lower than their current position.