Situation : A saw B walking in a mall after haven’t seen each other in 4 years, so A walk in to greet B.
A : Hey B! My long last friend.
B : Woah! A! You’ve changed a lot! How’ve you been?
A : I’ve been awesome, thanks! How about you? You’ve changed a lot too!
B : I’m great too! Life’s great. Haha!
A: Nice to hear that! And how’s your family? Tell then I miss them.
B : Will do, and they’re all fine! Tell your family I miss them too.
A : Sure! What are you doing here today? It’s such a concidence though, that we met each other here.
B : It sure is! I never thought we’d meet here, I’m here to look for presents for my friend’s birthday. What about you?
A : Oh I see, I’m just walking around looking for some albums to buy. Do you want me to help you finding presents?
B : Oh, If you’d like to?
A : Ofcourse! Why not?
B : Awesome! Thanks! I’m looking for some small Tiaras.
A : It should be somewhere at the X section upstairs.
B : Yes, I’m about to go there.
A : Alright, Let’s go