This study sought to determine whether the formulation
of recombinant Sm-Cathepsin B in the presence of synthetic
oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated CpG could elicitshown that both wild type and immunologically deficient animals
have decreased parasite burden and pathology when they received
antibodies from chronically infected or immunized wild type animals
[36–39]. Therefore, the elevated antigen-specific IgG titers
elicited by the formulation of recombinant Sm-Cathepsin B in the
presence of CpG dinucleotides may be a crucial factor contributing
to the decreased parasite burden observed at the time of perfusion
and organ collection. The antibodies specific for Sm-Cathepsin
B may be performing a neutralizing task; thus, blocking nutrient
uptake and leading to parasite starvation. Immunoproteomic
studies concerning schistosomiasis self-cure in rhesus macaques
revealed that gut digestive enzymes were common IgG targets
in high responder animals [40]. This observation strengthens the
potential role of Sm-Cathepsin B specific antibodies in protection