Online Behavior Systems: Behavior management software can help teachers manage their classrooms online. An example is Class Dojo, which allows teachers to award points to students for participating, helping others, exercising creativity, showing great insight, working hard, and making a good presentation. The software can be accessed from a tablet or smart phone, in addition to the teacher’s school computer. Class Dojo is especially helpful for teachers who manage more than one group of children. To get the most from the new technology and hold the very short attention spans of little ones, it’s important to avoid technical difficulties and to have a solid understanding of the functions and features of new technology before making use of it. Think deeply about how each tool may enhance your students’ abilities to reach their personal goals. Approached properly, technology need not be intimidating. Rather, it can catapult its users to new heights. As teachers, we must embrace the technology that shapes our world. To develop life-long learners in our classrooms, we must be life-long learners ourselves.