- states that regulation 15 provides that in ports or terminals in party states any regulation of emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from tankers must be in accordance with annex VI
- states that as per regulation 15 a tanker carrying crude oil is required to have a "VOC Manangement Plan" approved by the administration on board
- states that ships of 400 gross tons and above engaged in international voyages involving countries that have ratified the conventions, or ships flying the flag of those countries, are required to have an international air pollution prevention certificate (IAPP Certificate)
- states that the IAPP certificate will be issued following an initial survey carried out by the flag administration or by a recognized organization on behalf of the flag administration, confimaing compliance with MARPOL Annex VI. For ships with the flag of an administration that have not yet ratified annex VI, a certificate of compliance annex VI may be issued
- states that annex VI also requires diesel engines with a power output of more than 130 kw which is installed on a ship constructed on or after 1 january 2000 or with a power output for more than 130 kw which undergoes a major conversion on or after 1 january 2000 or with a power output of more than 5000 kw and a per cylinder displacement at or above 90 litres which is installed on a ship constructed on or after 1 january 1990 but prior to 1 january 2000, to carry individual certicates with regard to NOx emissions, naned engine international air pollution prevention (EIAPP) CERTIFICATES
- states rhan annex VI requires that every ship of 400 gross tonnager or above and every fixed and floating drilling rig and other platforms shall be subject to a schedule of surveys that occur throughout the life of a vessel
- states that the schedule of surveys include:
- initial survey: this survey occurs before the ship is put into service or before a vessel certificate is issued for the first time. this survey ensures that the equipment, systems;fitting, arrangements and material used on board fully comply with the requirements of annex VI. The vessel's international air pollution prevention certificate(IAPP) will be