Hospitals that routinely accept children should include in their hospital and ward policies,
statements relating to the provision of play for children in hospital.
Hospitals that accept children should employ appropriately qualified play specialists: to
plan play programmes for children of all ages; to provide appropriate play activities for
children with special needs; to encourage and assist children to benefit from play
activities; and to increase the understanding of parents and other members of the
health care team in all aspects of play for children. The services of such play specialists
should be extended to outpatient departments.
Hospitals that accept children should provide an adequate budget for the wages and
salaries of an appropriate number of play specialists and the purchase and maintenance
of play equipment, materials and toys.
Children should have access to indoor and outdoor play facilities.
Play facilities in and adjacent to children’s wards should be equipped with a variety of
safe play materials, toys and equipment adaptable to the range of ages and needs of
children usually admitted to that ward.