Data feedback forms the basis for issue identification and clarification and the basis for situational understanding. The meaning of the data, raw or synthesized, becomes interpreted as a function of the operative organization model in combination with perceptions of issue urgency, system inertia or receptivity, and readiness for change of the dominant coalition and members. Diagnostic sense making is about situational understanding in light of identified issues. Diagnostic data, analysis, and clarified issues may or may not be disseminated within or outside the focal analytic unit at this point typically depending on the mindset of the managers and OD professionals involved. If dissemination is viewed as desirable, the design questions of when, how, to whom, and what become pertinent. Dissemination of synthesized data is believed to serve several purposes, such as creating a sense of urgency for action, coopting key people, justifying the work and giving attention to matters little thought about.