Research collaboration is an essential par t of networking. It is so impor tant that I am devoting this section to it and covering the rest of networking in the following section.
Collaboration is a major component of most research pro- ductivity. However, it is essential that you collaborate because you have decided that you want to do it and that you have calculated that the advantages outweigh the potential disad- vantages. You must ask yourself why you want to under take this par ticular research collaboration and be specific about the aims, process, timelines and common objectives. If you are not going to get sufficient advantage out of it, do not under- take it, as there will be many more oppor tunities for positive research collaboration throughout your research career. It is much better to be involved in a few ver y positive collaborations than a large number of ones that are of little value and could even be detrimental to your career.
There are a number of ver y good reasons for considering research collaboration. It may provide you access to new tools, information, and skills and it may give you an international perspective that may take years for you to develop working on your own.