Oh I see. So killing them is a good thing?" Nana asked looking at her.
"Well killing them just to be killing them isn't good but usually yes killing a White ape is a good thing." She said looking at me. "In fact that's one of the reasons I admire the [Last name]'s so much." As soon as she said that I instantly remembered who that name belonged to.
"Why's that?" Nana asked. She looked as if she regretted what she had said enough as it was so I don't understand why she kept asking these questions.
"Well the planet of Himont had become overrun with white apes. It had become so bad that everyone had to evacuate the planet so they wouldn't be killed. When [Name] found out about this he gathered a crew of seven men and exterminated them all. So that the people could return back to their homes. He even managed to save some of the planets natural wild life." Lala said looking at her.
She then sighed and looked at me. "In fact to be honest I'm a little jealous of you Nana. I mean [Name] barely talks to me now and yet you are lucky enough to get to marry him." She said looking at her
"Actually about that today one of his servants came by and alerted me that he has terminated our marriage contract." She said looking at her a little ashamed.
"What? Why? [Name] wouldn't usually do something like that, or at least I hope he wouldn't." She said looking at her.
"Unknown to the rest of the family every day for the past three years I've sent him a request to terminate our marriage contract. I just can't stand the thought of marrying someone I don't love." She said looking at her.
"Nana have you ever even met the guy. I mean sure the stories about him are a little harsh but that's only because his family is in charge of six different galaxies. He doesn't want to be harsh but because of where he and his family stands he can't afford to be soft." She said looking at her.
"How do you know that?" I asked looking at her.
"Because unlike you two I've used to talk to him a lot." She said looking at me. "I know that the stories around him make him sound evil but the truth is the exact opposite. He's the kindest person I've ever met." She said looking at me.
When she said this Rito walked into the house. "Yeah sure thing I'm looking forward to it." He said kissing this girls cheek.
"Yeah bye Rito-kun I'm looking forward to our next date." She said walking away. I had to admit I always pictured him being more intimate with girls. Now that I'm seeing him like this that he actually loves her. It makes my chest hurt, like really hurt.
I then sighed and heard Lala get a text from someone. "Speak of the devil it's [Name]." She said looking at us. "Oh well that's. . . interesting." She said looking at her phone.
"Alright you two I got some good news and some bad news." She said looking at us.
"Give us the bad news first." I said looking at her.
"There's a white ape on this planet." She said looking at us.