In case a rural inhabitant gets sick or is involved in an accident,
access to health facilities is critical. The survey inquires both to the
presence of health facilities in nearby villages where the re-
spondents live, and whether the respondent is covered by health-
care. 50% of the respondents mentioned that there is a clinic in their
village, 4% a hospital. 21% of the interviewees answered that there
are no health facilities nearby, while another 21% did not know
where to find any health facilities. 3% of the respondents did not
answer. As for health insurance, 84% (Fig. 5B) of the respondents
answered that they have health care coverage. It seems that this is
not related to the migrant status of the respondent, since only 26%
(n 1⁄4 4) of this group indicated that they are migrants.