I don't like speaking in front of public. I think it is a problem because it may be an obstacle to work, there must be a meeting or presentation, different ideas are frequently so I try to get experience by working part-time, which is a service that needs to talk to someone live. To boost confidence, with ourselves and with the courage to say more. Even now, I still don't like to talk. Just practice them when it's time for needless to say, to have confidence in ourselves more.I don't like speaking in front of public. I think it is a problem because it might be obstacles in the work to have a meeting or presentation of ideas is often. so I try to get experience by working part-time, which is a service that needs to talk to customer anytime. In order to increase self-confidence in speaking and have the courage to speak up. Even now I still don't like speaking. Just practice time say have self-confidence more.
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