Screening for and Management of Neonatal
Hypocalcemia and Hypomagnesemia
We believe that IDM’s should be screened for routinely at the age of
24 hours, at the nadir of postnatal calcium [30]. Due to potential effect of
NHC on central nervous system heart, there is little controversy on need
for treatment of symptomatic hypocalcemia (arrhythmia, pump failure,
or seizures) [3]. Intravenous administration of Ca salts is the preferred,
most rapid means of correction. Acute correction may be achieved by
intravenous bolus infusion, over 10 minutes, with electrocardiographic
monitoring, of 18 mg elemental Ca/kg, followed by continuous infusion
at 75 mg/kg/24 h. Stepwise reduction of calcium dose over a period of
3 days usually prevents rebound hypocalcemia. Continuous infusion is
preferred to bolus, since the latter acutely increases serum osmolality,
decreases serum pH by competition of Ca++ with H+ at the bone, is
excreted in greater quantity, and may depress parathyroid function.
Boluses are more likely to cause arrhythmia, especially bradycardia,
and possibly, cardiac standstill. Both bolus and continuous infusion of
IV calcium may cause extravasation of calcium into soft tissue with Ca
deposition or sloughing of the skin, and sometimes, severe cutaneous
necrosis [3]. Intra-arterial infusion is prohibited as organ necrosis such
as intestinal necrosis may result.
Screening for and Management of NeonatalHypocalcemia and HypomagnesemiaWe believe that IDM’s should be screened for routinely at the age of24 hours, at the nadir of postnatal calcium [30]. Due to potential effect ofNHC on central nervous system heart, there is little controversy on needfor treatment of symptomatic hypocalcemia (arrhythmia, pump failure,or seizures) [3]. Intravenous administration of Ca salts is the preferred,most rapid means of correction. Acute correction may be achieved byintravenous bolus infusion, over 10 minutes, with electrocardiographicmonitoring, of 18 mg elemental Ca/kg, followed by continuous infusionat 75 mg/kg/24 h. Stepwise reduction of calcium dose over a period of3 days usually prevents rebound hypocalcemia. Continuous infusion ispreferred to bolus, since the latter acutely increases serum osmolality,decreases serum pH by competition of Ca++ with H+ at the bone, isexcreted in greater quantity, and may depress parathyroid function.Boluses are more likely to cause arrhythmia, especially bradycardia,and possibly, cardiac standstill. Both bolus and continuous infusion ofIV calcium may cause extravasation of calcium into soft tissue with Cadeposition or sloughing of the skin, and sometimes, severe cutaneousnecrosis [3]. Intra-arterial infusion is prohibited as organ necrosis suchas intestinal necrosis may result.
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