Range of electric vehicles (EVs) has long been considered a major barrier in acceptance of electric
mobility. We examined the nature of how range is experienced in an EV and whether variables from
other adaptation contexts, notably stress, have explanatory power for inter-individual differences in
what we term comfortable range. Forty EVs were leased to a sample of users for a 6-month field
study. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of range experiences were performed, including
regression analyses to examine the role of stress-buffering personality traits and coping skills in
comfortable range. Users appraised range as a resource to which they could successfully adapt and
that satisfied most of their daily mobility needs. However, indicators were found that suggested
suboptimal range utilization. Stress-buffering personality traits (control beliefs, ambiguity tolerance)
and coping skills (subjective range competence, daily range practice) were found to play a substantial
role in comfortable range. Hence, it may be possible to overcome perceived range barriers with the
assistance of psychological interventions such as information, training and interface design. Providing
drivers with a reliable usable range may be more important than enhancing maximal range in an
electric mobility system