The percentage of metabolizable energy channeled into growth Duncan and Ž
Klekowsky, 1975 was determined between PL VI–VII and PL XIII–XV for the various .
salinity levels. K was obtained by wŽ .Ž . PqE r PqRqE x=100, where Psgrowth, 2 vv
Evsexuvia and Rsindividual oxygen consumption, all parameters expressed in
Joules. The interval between PL VI–VII and PL XIII–XV was divided in seven classes
corresponding to each subsequent molt. Individual dry weight and oxygen consumption
was calculated for each size classes by regressions between dry weight and age, and
oxygen consumption and age Table 2 . Growth in dry weight was converted to Joules Ž .
by the mean energy content measured by wet combustion between the two stages. Ev
was considered 5% of individual energy content of the various size classes Carvalho, Ž
. y1 1992 . Oxygen consumed in the period was converted to Joules as 14.06 J mg O2