if we are not sure what is meant by the true teachings, we need to ask only a few question. dose islam advocate wars and violence amongst muslims whether as groups or as sects or as nations? Dose islam advocate oppression of the people by the government or destabilising and subverting f governments though irresponsible act by the people? Dose islam advocate the rejection of a good life in this world or a good life in the hereafter, or does islam preach hassanah in this world and in the akhirat? can we really say that it is our religious duty to be poor, without knowledge and skills, incapable of defending ourselves against our enemies, or is it our religious duty to have wealth an knowledge and skills in order to be able to defend the ummah against our detractors, our oppressors? Did the prophet depend on the wealth and the skills of his followers or did the prophet buy bows and arrows, swords, horses and camels from those whose manifest objective was to make money for themselves, or worse still, to destroy islam and the Muslims?