although she thought her diet
was healthy, Pam Overton
was 30 pounds overweight
and had sky-high triglyceride levels and
prediabetic blood sugar levels—strong
risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
The problem? Sugar-laden foods and
beverages, including “healthy” options
such as fruit smoothies, sweetened milk
substitutes, and granola bars. To reverse
her troubling health problems, Overton
needed to completely cut foods containing
added sugars or sweeteners from her
diet. But that’s easier said than done.
Like many of us, Overton was quite
dependent on getting regular hits of
quick-fi x, sweet-tasting food and drink,
so it took time—about 5 months—to
break her sugar habit. Now, she not only
feels dramatically better physically, emotionally,
and mentally, but she has also
lost the excess weight, and normalized
her triglyceride and blood sugar levels.