important things to attend than to torture his prisoners?"
The Sith Lord laughed lowly, his skeletal fingers cold like death itself touched her temple.
"You underestimate your own powers and your importance, Bastila? You, a powerful Jedi, so proud that even your masters fear your potential?" Sparks sprung from finger to finger and then found their way through her brain, making her convulse once more, as now the dark force filled her brain almost completely.
"No, Bastila, you have all the right in the galaxy to be proud about your powers. With your help, with your Battle Meditation, my troops will gain victory over the Republican forces quickly and easily." He continued when she was able to understand his words again. "So I am not wasting my time with you at all. It is more important to guide you to your right place, at my side, than to care about the troops of the Republic, which are quite helpless at the moment without your support. And furthermore..." he giggled evilly... "furthermore, to torture you is the best entertainment I ever had in my life."
"And nevertheless you are wasting your time, you sick bastard!" She spat it out in hate and anger, a sudden anger that had cut itself free out of her castle of self-control. " I will never..."
Bastila bit her tongue as he laughed out loudly, recognizing her weakness, her defeat. She hadn't lost her battle yet, but he enjoyed this small victory visibly.
"What a passion... I like you more and more! Only a short step to the next point to use this passion to get the strength." He pointed to a device that now lowered from the ceiling, from which surged a great power that made the tiny hairs on her front, her torso, her breasts and her face tremble. And not only the electrical field made her tremble now in fear, various tentacles dangled down, ending in pincers, needles and other devices whose use she didn't even dare to guess.
"You will need this strength now, Bastila. So gather your passion, so feed you hate and use it to resist another time!"