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Re: Heavy Metal
Mar 14, 2010, 11:19 PM
Tony Leong
Hi Tony! How are you, what news from Bkk!
So I write you because, i have few problems, one of it is about money, because now i have 0 :) So it's no problem for live, but problem for do anything! I can not visit Toto, because, even if I find a car, i should put some gasoline.. But maybe it is not very important, because Toto think, that when I'll bring all papers to him, he will start to work at once, but like I understand from Mike words he want only to show him that papers, and ask for price! So i think can ask him about prices in email, or the prices depend of something he can see in the documents of company? I don't know! So if it is not important then, i can wait of Mike come back, or you can send me the money, and I will fly to Bkk or visit Toto before!
Actually i was plan to borrow some money, from my friend, (girlfriend), but her reaction about this was strange for me, she say that I should not ask her for the money, and this is very, very bad.. I don't know maybe she think that i want to cheat her, or just use, i don't know, but after this words don't want to ask nothing from her, fell also not good when somebody, and specially woman's tell me this kind of things!
So that is the situation, will wait for your answer!
And Tony i want for you know, that i very confused of this situation, and fell like everything is very wrong, because of i didn't do nothing now, and depend from you, and I know very good, that you have many many important things to do, and very important things to pay for, so something was done really wrong, i don't know who make the mistake, but i hope we can fix this problem as soon, as possible. Or I see other ways to fix this problem, and i will speak about it with Mike!
Take care.