Organic peroxides are a kind of very hazardous substance because they are capable of self-decomposition when being heated or exposed
to the sunlight. In present paper, the thermal hazard of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) has been investigated by using accelerating rate
calorimeter (ARC). On the basis of experimental results, kinetic parameters of exothermic reaction of TBHP under adiabatic condition is
estimated, and the thermal hazard parameters, such as the initial adiabatic decomposition temperature, the adiabatic temperature rise, the
maximum temperature rise rate and molar reaction heat under real adiabatic condition are obtained through the correction using the
thermal inertia factor ( ). The results reveal that TBHP has a relative better thermal stability and its initial exothermic decomposition
temperature is 69.50 under the adiabatic condition. But with the reaction temperature increasing, decomposition of TBHP occurs
rapidly and becomes uncontrollable.