Independent City-States
The Ruler
The ruler in each city-state was the highest authority.
The Mayans had a decentralized government.
The Mayan ruler was believed to be part god part human.
Nobles and Priests
They were the only members of society that could read and write.
They carried out all the decisions of the ruler and ran the city.
They watched over the temples being built
They collected taxes
They led the armies
Wore fancier clothes
gold jewelry
skins of jaguars
Priests maintained the relationships with the gods.
The Merchants and Artisans
Merchants travels by sea rivers, and roads
Merchants brought it goods from the highlands
They were very good traders
Built all the sculptures in the temples
Painted murals of important battles in temples
They were weavers who made baskets
Designed art to pay tribute to the Gods
Made paper out of the bark from fig trees